What is The Best Kettlebell Weight For Women, Men & Beginners?

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Written by Penny Cooper

Interested in kettlebell training but don’t know where to begin? Well, the first thing you need to do is figure out the best kettlebell weight for you and the range of exercises you want to do.

This is where we come in! I’ve held many kettlebell sessions normally for people generally not experienced with weights and I have a good idea of the right weights for women, men, and beginners in particular. Below, we’ve put together a guide to help you find the right kettlebell weight.

But first, a quick answer to the question posed in the title and then onto more specifics.

What’s The Best Kettlebell Weight For a Woman?

The best kettlebell weight for a woman to start with is 15lbs (8kg) and employing movements like single-arm deadlifts – basically, picking the kettlebell off the floor.

And for those familiar with using weights like dumbbells and barbells perhaps start with 25lbs (12kg).

If 15lb of iron seems a lot to swing around, if you are like me you would be able to remember carrying heavy shopping whilst balancing a toddler on your head.

Best Kettlebell Weight For a Man

What weight kettlebell should a man use?
Start off with 25lbs (12kg) or 35lbs (16kg) for those with weight training experience.

How to Choose the Correct Kettlebell Weight

To help you choose the proper kettlebell weight for your particular case, you should consider the following points:

  • Your experience in lifting weights — first, you need to think about the level of your skills when it comes to weightlifting training. Are you at least familiar with the types of kettlebell workout routines? Have you used other types of weights before?

If you’re just starting, it might be an idea to get used to the routines without a weight at all or even a substitute like a bag of flour or can of food.

Otherwise, for those familiar with dumbbell routines or traditional weightlifting, it’ll be easier to start working out with a heavier weight.

  • Your goal from kettlebell training — next, you should consider the reason you’re getting into kettlebell training. Different weights can help you accomplish different goals, so common reasons for starting kettlebell training include weight loss, improved flexibility, and enhanced strength.
  • Your age and fitness level — other important factors that affect kettlebell weight selection are age and fitness level. For example, younger individuals shouldn’t exercise with kettlebells unless they’re supervised by trainers because it can cause injuries if used incorrectly.

Besides the weight, your age, experience, and fitness level determine what sort of kettlebell training you can practice.

Best Kettlebell Weight For Specific Exercises – Women

These weight recommendations apply to women older than 18 years.

So, what weight kettlebell should a woman use? Well, as we discussed earlier, it depends on a few factors such as previous weightlifting experience, training goals, age, and fitness level.

That said, we’ve put together a list of recommended weight ranges for the most common kettlebell exercises that the majority of women will fit into. Let’s take a closer look:

  • For Ballistic Exercises (ones where there is more movement and swing) — the kettlebell weight for ballistic exercises is usually heavier than that for grind exercises. It should fall between the following range:
    • 18 pounds (8 kilograms) and 35 pounds (16 kilograms)
  • For Grind Exercises (ones where there is more static holds) — the proper kettlebell weight should allow you to press over your head about 8 to 10 times. Remember to be consistent with your choice for this exercise, which should fall between:
    • 13 pounds (6 kilograms) and 26 pounds (12 kilograms)
The best kettlebell weight. A tryptic showing a girl doing a deadlift holding a kettlebell.
Kettlebell deadlift routine
  • For Balance and Coordination — the recommended kettlebell weights are between 18 pounds (8 kilograms) and 26 pounds (12 kilograms)
  • For Agility — the recommended kettlebell weights are between 9 pounds (4 kilograms) and 26 pounds (12 kilograms)
  • For Strength — the recommended kettlebell weight for one-handed swings is 26 pounds (12 kilograms) and for double-handed swings is 31 pounds (14 kilograms)

Best Kettlebell Weight For Specific Exercises – Men

Keep in mind that these weight recommendations apply to men older than 18 years.

So, what weight kettlebell should a man use? As in the previous section, we’ve put together a list of recommended weight ranges for the most common kettlebell exercises that the majority of men will fit into. Let’s take a closer look:

  • For Ballistic Exercises (ones where there is more movement and swing) — the kettlebell weight for ballistic exercises is usually heavier than that for grind exercises. It should fall between the following range:
    • 35 pounds (16 kilograms) and 53 pounds (24 kilograms)
  • For Grind Exercises (ones where there is more static holds)— the proper kettlebell weight should allow you to press over your head about 8 to 10 times. It should fall between:
    • 18 pounds (8 kilograms) and 44 pounds (20 kilograms)
  • For Balance and Coordination — the recommended kettlebell weights are between 26 pounds (12 kilograms) and 44 pounds (20 kilograms).
  • For Agility — the recommended kettlebell weights are between 18 pounds (8 kilograms) and 44 pounds (20 kilograms).
  • For Strength — the recommended kettlebell weight for one-handed swings is 35 pounds (16 kilograms) and for double-handed swings is 53 pounds (24 kilograms).

What Weight Kettlebell Should a Beginner Use

If you’re a newbie with no previous experience in using weights, you should start your training at the beginner level. This way, you’ll understand and learn the proper mechanics and techniques that you’ll use and build on in advanced exercises down the road.

Our recommendation for the best kettlebell weight for beginners is:

  • 25 pounds (12 kilograms) for men.
  • 15 pounds (8 kilograms) for women.

These weight suggestions aim to make working out with kettlebells as easy and comfortable as possible for first-timers.

Also, check our article on kettlebells for older adults.

As Well As The Weight of a Kettlebell

Today’s market offers a wide array of kettlebell styles, which can be a bit overwhelming for newbies trying to figure out what to buy.

To help you find a high-quality kettlebell, we’ve put together a list of the most important features you should keep in mind when shopping for the right kettlebell: 

  • Coating — the best kettlebells will have a chip-resistant coating for comfort. The surfacace will “take” chalk if used.
  • Design The best kettlebells are equipped with smooth, curved handles so you can grip any spot on the handle, not only the top section
  • Clearance — the space between the bell and handles – should be plenty for some exercises.
  • Warranty — I would personally buy from a reputable brand with a long warranty like Rogue, our much preferred maker. For more, read our Rogue Kettlebell Review.

Last Word on The Best KettleBell Weight

The best kettlebell weight will depend on your previous weight lifting experience, training goals, age, and fitness level.

So, be sure to consider these factors first before finding your place in our recommended weight ranges according to the type of exercise you plan to take up. Or as an alternative to lots of weights consider an adjustable kettlebell or two.

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Penny is a Personal Trainer currently training as a wellness coach. She gained a BA in English at Edinburgh University. Redundancy from retail management hastened a move to helping people get fit and writing about all things fitness in middle age.

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